Thursday, July 28, 2011


So I changed my life. Well not completley, but enough for it to feel like a hudge life change. Im not being a rescue swimmer anymore. Its a little difficult I'll admit, especially when I see others leaving to become one, or graduating from swim school. I think "I can definitely do that!" I mainly have to remind myself that God has a bigger plan than what I can see right now. He sees the big picture, I see what I'm going on in the moment. But I know that if I end up doing what Im thinking of doing right now, I'll love it. My plan? I want to fly. How? through being a Navy Mechaninc, then going to Moody Aviation when I get out of the navy. Thats all I have figured out right now, which isnt a lot. But I know God has a plan, and that as long as Im doing everything for his glory then I will love whatever I end up doing. My ultimate goal is to be a missionary and fly.

What am I doing now: Right now Im waiting to go to MEPS again. All of my medical and ASVAB stuff expired, so yes, I have to do it all over again. Fun right? oh yea. Ill be heading up there as soon as they clear everything for my waiver again. Then I pick the job I want, and get a date. Right now Im working in Big Bear. It is the most amazing job I have ever had, with the most amazing people ever. I absolutly love it. Im in the mountains and actually doing something almost all the time, there is not a lot of down time up there, and I love it. God is great and he is doing amazing things in my life right now. I wouldnt have it any other way. I am so blessed that I did not go in the Navy when I wanted to. Or I wouldnt have had this experience that I am having now. The only down side coming up is Liv leaving for college in August. How Im gonna live with out her, I have no idea. She has helped me through so much and I am so greatful to have her as a friend.