Thursday, February 9, 2012


Everyone has heard it said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I believe this to be true. That's why not everyone is attracted to everyone. Yet in the world that can get you down, make you insecure. You judge yourself and think that in order to be beautiful everyone must think so. There is only one person who will always think you are beautiful and never make you feel like anything less. That person is God. My personal Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Would you ever question the work that he did in creation? No. Well guess what. You are His creation, He made you, and obviously Thought you were beautiful because God doesn't make mistakes. This is my way of thinking. Just because I am not beautiful compared to societies standards, that doesn't make me ugly.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Vision of Washington

George Washington had a vision that many believe was brought to him by God. A vision of what America would become. In it there are three perils that are brought to his attention. The first account I believe is of the Revolutionary war, a great cloud between Europe and America, I believe the cloud represents war. And this nations first great war was between England and the Americas. The second great peril I believe is the Slave Trade and the Civil War. An ill omen spectra comes over from Africa, the slave trade, and settles over america. He views Americans fighting each other, the Civil War. Then a great thing happens, A bright angel holding the American Flag settles between them and says "Remember, Ye are brethren". The third peril, I believe, has not happened yet but it will be a major world war where a majority of the worlds nations will rise against the US, but in the vision, although they are overcome, the inhabitants join together at one last effort and remain victorious. The vision ends with the angel telling Washington this "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union."

I believe that America will stray from God, as we can see it happening today, and that will cause us to be overcome by the world, literally, but after we are overcome, I believe that we will come back, and rise again as one nation under God.

Christians, it is time to stand up for what is right, it is time to take America back and make this a christian nation once more! Whether or not you believe this vision is true take time to read it, it will change your mind on the way you view this nation and our role as Christians in it. I believe this is truth, and as long as we stay close to God, I believe that he will bless us, God Bless America.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year. New Resolutions.

Well first off, happy New Year. I know I'm 12 days late, but late is better than never right? With a new year comes resolutions. It just always happens that way. Every church I have been too has mentioned that fact. And so far I have been to three different churches this year. Each pastor mentioned the same thing. Don't make unrealistic resolutions. I thought about that, and I have come up with a few of my own.

1. I want to be closer to God by the end of 2012 then I have ever been in my entire life. I know it will be hard, and I am not off at a great start, and I have no idea how to accomplish this, but I know that with God all things are possible. I just have to keep praying, keep studying His word, and keep myself surrounded with strong Christians who are always pushing me to do better.

2. Start going to a small group. Not that I have been against going to one, I have just been lazy. Always wanting to do something else that night. But I know that in order for me to grow as a christian, and stay on fire for God, I need to stay close to some strong Christians who love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and who try and take God seriously.

3. The next time I drink a soda will be 12am January 1, 2013. It's bad for me, and I always feel awful after drinking it. If I just stick to water, I will be healthy, and I will feel better.

4. Get a healthy body image. I am one of the most self conscience people I know. I'm always worrying about how I'm too fat, too tall, I have too broad of shoulders, my teeth, the list goes on, trust me. But the thing is, I'm not fat, God made me tall, and none of that matters. All that matters is that God loves me, and there is a guy out there who will think I'm beautiful and who will love me no matter what I look like, no matter how tall I am, and no matter how broad I think my shoulders are. What really matters when it comes to your body, is to be healthy. To work out so that my body is healthy, to eat right, so that I am healthy and am able to do some fun things. My friend told me to stop focusing on what I look like, and start focusing on what my body allows me to do. I have two strong arms that allow me to rock climb, clap, praise God, work hard. I have two legs that allow me to run, snowboard, jump, dance for joy. I must learn to see myself the way God sees me, through my heart, And that is what truly matters.

Those are my resolutions. I will try hard to keep them, I know I might fail, but if I do, I will pick right back up again, because I have the help of my Lord. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A time for everything.

There's a time for being patient, and there is a time for taking things into your own hands.
There comes a point in time when you are just done waiting, and take things into your own hands. Take control of the situation, tell someone how it is, and how it's gonna go down.

That is just what I did. Im tired of waiting around for someone to tell me what they're thinking. There's a time to just ask them. Just say what needs to be said. So now as I'm waiting for an answer I realize that it's just not that big of a deal. As much as I don't want to give up, and put hope down, there comes a point when reality comes along. I accept it. No matter what happens, I still have the love of my Lord, and for that I am forever Joyful.

So I asked, and now I am waiting for an answer that may or may not come, if it does, great, if it doesnt, great. Wish me luck.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


That one little word means so much. It is so difficult! Being patient is a hard thing to do. There are things that force you to be patient though.

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that's patience.

But see the thing about patience, is it is necessary in life. I am a strong believer in the fact that nothing worth getting comes along easily. If you want it, you are willing to do what ever it takes to get it, and most people take that as keep pushing, and fighting, and running toward it. But sometimes it just means patiently waiting.

Right now I am waiting for a couple of things. One thing I could just fight and push and run toward, but that would push him away, I have to wait. Patiently wait for his decision, and then I have to just trust God that it is the right one, even if its what I do not want to hear. The other thing I have absolutely no hand in. The only thing I can do is wait. You would think that after two years of just waiting I would be pro at it by now. The truth is, it is very hard because I want to do everything myself. I want it and I want it now. I must trust God though, and I must learn to wait. To not rush, but take it slow, trust that God has a plan, and understand his timing is perfect. It may be hard, but it is a challenge. God can help me, I must trust in him. Please help me Lord?

Friday, December 2, 2011


To love is to risk not being loved in return, to hope is to risk pain, to try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing

I have no idea who said this quote, and I do not know why they said it. But all I know is that they are true words. Risk is what we take in life, because without it we would never do anything, never go anywhere, never love anyone. Even though they are big risks, we must never stop loving, never stop hoping, and never stop trying. Because the second we stop, we give up. We must never lose hope.

something I hold on to when I have nothing else left. Yet, it is so easily lost. That may be because where I get my hope from is so easily broken. I get my hope from myself. But that should not be the case. "Why are you cast down, O my soul,and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,my salvation and my God." Psalm 42:11. Hope in God, because he will never break. Put your trust in him, because he will always lead you down the right path. So here I am, still holding on to hope, but this hope is different. It is hope in God, that no matter the outcome, I will be ok, because I still have my savior, and he still loves me.

So I sit here, wanting to take risks in life. Risks in loving people, risks in jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. Risks in my life, but one risk I am never willing to take is in my salvation. As long as I have my Lord, and as long as I am aiming to please him and worship him, then no matter what I do, I will be ok. I will be better than ok. I will be JOYFUL. filled with Joy, peace, love, gentleness. I will be filled with the spirit of my LORD. whom I love, and who loves me. And that is what matters in life.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I miss you

Three words, they are the ones I am so tired of saying. "I miss you". Saying those words to someone never makes me feel better. In fact, all it does is make me more sad then I already am, because in saying those words I know I am not going to see that person in a very long time. I'm sick of goodbyes, and I'm sick of not being there for the people I care about the most. I just have to love them from a far, and that is one of the hardest things to do. I guess for a very selfish reason. I love being around people, and I love being surrounded by the people I love, and knowing they love me. It is an amazing feeling, one of the best. But for some reason they have all left. and now all I can say to them is "I miss you". I hope they know how much I miss them every second of every day. How much I miss just talking to them at night in the middle of my street. How much I miss just going to coffee and relaxing, knowing I don't have to try to keep the conversation going, because we never run out of things to talk about. I miss just being comfortable around them because I know no matter what, they will love me, and always be there for me. I miss that feeling of just being comfortable. Instead trying so hard. I miss all the crazy times, the laying in bed and comforting me because of certain troubles. I just miss them. and it's not the greatest feeling, but I guess I just have to stay positive. Stay Positive!