Saturday, July 24, 2010

Maybe this isn't so bad after all.....

I went to the doctors the other day and had some pretty good news. I don't have chondromalacia. And tat is fantastic. What that means is I'm going onto the navy for sure. Nothing is going to stop me now. I'm like fire in a dry forest. Ready to burn!!!! I'm prretty pumped. I'm actually at work right now.. Showed up a little early so I had some time to blog. Thought I would share my thoughts with ya'll. Work is going well. Prety boring sometimes. But I deal with it. It's a job right? This past week was vbs.. Vacation bible school. I was in charge of the games and music and basically ran the thing. Although my mother did do a lot. I love her. Needless to say we are both extremely tired. This was my last year at vbs.. Pretty happy about that oje. Well time to start work. Adios amigos!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Back Up Plan

Well, I dont know whats going on anymore. When I went to the doctor with pain in my left knee he threw out a word, and it was a bad word. He used the word chondromalacia. A word you do not want to hear if your trying to join the military. Unfortunatly it is very hard to get a waiver with that condition. Its this thing where the cartlage under my knee cap is very bad, kinda detiriating. But I wont know if I have this for sure until friday. This has given me time to think of a back up plan. Even though hopefully I wont need it. And Im very hoping I dont.
I recently heard of a school in Spokane, Washington. Its part of Moody in Chicago. The program of the school is Mission Aviation School. It seems so interesting and like a viable back up plan. Im going to Idaho, in a part that is not too far from Spokane and Im going to visit the campus to see what its all about.
I have no idea what im going to do. Missions is for special people, people who God have called, and I believe that if you try to do missions and you were not called to it , then it will be bad. SO I have no idea what Im going to do. its sucks no knowing, but I guess I will know in november.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

july 7, 2010

Today's the day. The day I was suposed to arrive at boot camp. it makes me wonder. Why, Why am I still here? Why are I not gone? well besides the obvious knee surgery thing, Im waiting for the reason why. Even though its hard to admit I just know that theres a reason for the not going, but its still difficult. Again I need to learn to look at the silver lining of things. Just because Im not leaving now, does not mean i will never leave.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Honor, Courage, and Commitment

We have all heard those three words, and many in the Navy have heard them put together, its listed at the end of the Sailors Creed. As a DEP rectuit you even have to memorize what they tell you it means. In the Navy they call it the Core Values. They tell you honor is to be honest, ethical, encouraging, having integrity, Courage is to make decisions that you think is best, meeting specific challenges, and loyalty. They describe commitment as demanding respect, caring for the safty and well being of others, and to exhibit the highest degree of moral character, technical excellence, quality and competence in what we have been trained to do.

So what do these words really mean?

Honor: I belive honor is one of the harder of the three to truely understand. From the begining of time men have been tought to represent thier family with honor, to live a life of honor, and to die with honor. But what is honor? “
He has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.”-Walter Lippmann. Thomas Jefferson came pretty close to describing honor when he said “Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong”. Doing what is right, doing what no one else is willing to do because its too "hard", not just counting physical hardness, but mental hardness. Honor is aquired by doing what is right. By not lying, but telling the truth with respect when its needed. describe honor how you want, but that is my idea on the word.

Courage: Doing something when your scared out of your mind. You cannot be couragous doing something that does not frighten you. That is not courage. Even if it looks like it from a distance and outside party, it is not. Courage is mental. Be strong and couragous. Theres not a lot to say on the subject because its easily summed up. Courage is when your scared, you do it anyways.

Commitment: One of the most important things in life. If you are never commited to anything, then you will never do anything, you will always find yourself quiting when the going gets tough. If something is too hard, you give up. Commitment is staying with something, no matter how bad you just want to give up, go home, and sleep in your nice warm bed. Commitment goes hand in hand with dedication.

So these three words are very simple words, but when you put them together, they create an extroidinary human bieng. I believe the only way you can possibly even come close to all three together is if you have the holy spirit in you. The three would create a man who does what is right, even if it is not popular, does what needs to be done, even if it may cost his life, and one who NEVER gives up. thats what needs to be taught to the military.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Second Days better

Yesterday at work was so much fun! I worked with three older lady's who were probably some of the funniest people I have ever met.

In other news, this will be a short blog post. I decided there is no need to completly delete my facebook. I will just not be friends with anyone who is friends with him. So sorry anyone who is, you will not be my friend on facebook.:)) I've come to terms with while there is nothing to do, its ok to just relax on the computer as long as it does not control me.