Friday, June 26, 2009


Dusty's funeral is today. Keep his family in your hearts today.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


So I made an appointment for meps. ( military entrance processing station) its the place where I go to take my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) the test that lets me pick a job by the scores I get and that lets me enlist for the military. The job I have chosen is AWR/AWS, I have no idea if I will get it yet, but im hoping I will. This job is a rescue swimmer/ working equipment on the helecopter. It will be hard and very physicaly demanding, but i am willing to work harder for this then I have ever worked before. Have you ever seen the Gardian? yup the school is just like that. With the help of God and my mom, i hope, I will be ready to take the exsit exam before I even get to the school. To graduate from the school I must be able to:

  • 90 minutes of intensive calisthenics and 30-36 minute cross country runs daily

  • 800m swim in 20 minutes wearing rescue swimmer equipment.

  • 400m buddy tow wearing rescue swimmer equipment

  • 200m swim in 50 min wearing wearing rescue swimmer equipment

  • 4 pullups wearing flight suit and boots in 2 minutes

  • carry 2 50 p. dumbells 100 yards over flat terrain over 4 obstacals 12-14 inches in height in 2 minutes.

  • walk one mile with a medevac litter within 16 minutes

  • swim 500 meters in SAR gear immediatly followed by 400m buddy tow within 27min.

  • weekly strengthening training with free weights and machines

  • succesfully complete CPR for profesional rescuer.

So this will be hard, im not expecting it to be easy, but keep me in your prayers and just belive I can do it. This is my goal, Im working to save lives. Im working to be a rescue swimmer in the United States Navy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Please Pray. and pray hard.

This is dusty last winter up in big bear.

This morning at about 6:30 a guy named Dusty was hit by a car while he was riding his bike, the car was going about 100 miles an hour and when the paramedics arrived on the scene they thought he was dead, but a man saw him breathing they air lifted him to the hospital. At this moment he is in critical condition and we do not know if he is going to make it. Please keep dusty in your prayers, he is a good friend of mine, and please do not speed. And watch where your going.

UPDATE: Dusty is now in a coma. He has some brain activity, but not much. The Doctoes dont know how long hes going to last. They say between now ant the next four days. Keep Praying.

RIP Dusty Martin, you will forever be in our hearts. You always made new friends and you always had a smile on your face. We will all miss you, you were a great friend and I cant wait to see you in heaven. We love you Dusty. =]

Friday, June 5, 2009


So I had my last day of any real school on Wednesdsay.. It was nice to be done. Its so weird how fast this year went. I still remember my first day of eigth grade thinking my senior year is so far away. But now its here, Im going to be a senior at the end of tonight. Oh how the years have flown. Before I know it im going to be the one graduating, then off to Boot camp! but thats a year away and right now that feels so far. Unless I think of my boyfriend leaving, that seems closer. A year and 10 days. It makes me sad to think about, and the worst part is, we have no idea where hes going. All I can say for now is, it will be here before I know it. This year will have to consist of hard work and focus. Im not even a senior yet, and I already have senioritis. Im going to take my senior picture with my cousin Rachel in vegas with some professional guy who did my sisters.. Well Im excited for this next year of my life.