So I made an appointment for meps. ( military entrance processing station) its the place where I go to take my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) the test that lets me pick a job by the scores I get and that lets me enlist for the military. The job I have chosen is AWR/AWS, I have no idea if I will get it yet, but im hoping I will. This job is a rescue swimmer/ working equipment on the helecopter. It will be hard and very physicaly demanding, but i am willing to work harder for this then I have ever worked before. Have you ever seen the Gardian? yup the school is just like that. With the help of God and my mom, i hope, I will be ready to take the exsit exam before I even get to the school. To graduate from the school I must be able to:
- 90 minutes of intensive calisthenics and 30-36 minute cross country runs daily
- 800m swim in 20 minutes wearing rescue swimmer equipment.
- 400m buddy tow wearing rescue swimmer equipment
- 200m swim in 50 min wearing wearing rescue swimmer equipment
- 4 pullups wearing flight suit and boots in 2 minutes
- carry 2 50 p. dumbells 100 yards over flat terrain over 4 obstacals 12-14 inches in height in 2 minutes.
- walk one mile with a medevac litter within 16 minutes
- swim 500 meters in SAR gear immediatly followed by 400m buddy tow within 27min.
- weekly strengthening training with free weights and machines
- succesfully complete CPR for profesional rescuer.
So this will be hard, im not expecting it to be easy, but keep me in your prayers and just belive I can do it. This is my goal, Im working to save lives. Im working to be a rescue swimmer in the United States Navy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVf9Xd8d9XQ
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