On thursday July 16 I went down to meps. When I got there it was around 2 and I hadnt eaten since that morning around 9. So I am very hungry. Once Im in the building I get my name tag that says, US NAVY VERBURG, Kelsey, Delayed Entry. Then I went to take my asvab and I had to sit in this room waiting for them to call my name. This room was the most boring of my day. We all just sat there and we felt like we werent allowed to talk. It felt like detention. My name gets called about an hour later, and I go to the room to take my test. I got a 69 which is a good score, and I fineshed around 5. After that I went in a wating room with a bunch of chairs and a T.V , it was the room where all the aplicants waited waited for something to happen. A name get called to pick a job, or to take an interview, or just waiting for the bus, which is what I did. I waited for over 2 hours for the bus to get there and watched the end of Iron man, Transformers, and the begining of Batman begins. Finally the bus gets there and about 20 of us go out to be taken to the hotel. The lucky thing was, I got to room with the girl I sat by in the waiting room. We had a ton of fun together, her name was teressa. She was pretty legit. Once we got to the hotel we learn that we have debriefing at 8, and dinner at 9:30. Cerfew was at 10, so we had a half hour to eat then get to our rooms. I ate some spagetti then we went to bed around midnight.
Friday: I wake up at 330 am check out at 420 eat breakfast at 430 then on the bus at 5. We get to meps and have to stand in this line for about half an hour and a Marine came to debrief us on what would happen in the days events. We walk in the building and get another name tag that says the same thing, then you get a folder and have to carry it around with you all day. Today is the full medical exam day. I go into the same room that I waited in to take my asvab, and by now alot of the tension is released to were talking. Then we get another lecture on what was to happen in the day. Then all the girls stood up (they were big on ladies first) there were about 12 of us, to take a breathalizer test. I passed. =]] Then we went into another room to take a vision test, which i also passed, and a hearing test, passed!. After that I went to get my blood drawn to make sure I wasnt pregnant. Then I took the urinal test, she had to sit and watch you, Awkward. After the test4 of us went into a room about the size of my living room and was told to strip down into just our bra and underwear. We had to do a series of things to make sure nothing was wrong with our knees, feet, ankles, and shoulders. After that one by one we had to put a gown on and totally undress, the docter had to check for breast cancer. the most awkward moment of the day. I got redressed and was told I had wax in my ear, so I went for the final interview and he told me I had to go get my ears cleaned out, so a recruiter had to drive me to a doctors office to get them cleaned. I got back and had to wait two hours for the doctors to get back from lunch, so I figured that it was as good a time as any to also grab some(its 1030) so I eat half a subway sandwich and an apple. The doctor finally comes back, then he shakes my hand and says congrates, you pass. Yay!!! I was so happy and excited again, then I had to wait for another hour to talk to the recruiter to sign some papers. We watch, guess, Iron man and transformers! woo! so finally I get called in and sign some things. then I had to wait another hour, and finally I got to choose my job! I was excited again. After I choose my job I went to the front desk and had to read something about fraud enlistment. Then I got to go get my finger prints taken and sign some more things. Finally its time to swear in. About 8 of us were in the room. An Army guy came in to tell us what was going to happen and told us how to get into formation and taught us, Attention, Paraide rest, and At ease. We had to actually practice swearing in. haha. A Marine Sergant lead the ceremony and when he walked in we had to stand at attenion and yell. GOOD AFTERNOON SIR! then he asks how we are and we say, OUTSTANDING SIR! then he begins. We swear in and he congratulates us. I have never been more proud in my life. After that I went to the Navy office and got a backpack full of some navy stuff, a tshirt, a hat, a planner, and a sticker. then I had one more thing to sign and got my picture taken for my dep photo ID and we were ready to leave. We left at 530 and I hadnt eaten since 10. so we stopped somewhere. I wore my hat the entire way home. Im so excited for the future and for all that is going to happen=]]