Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Live life Joyful.

"Lifes Hard bro, get a helmet."- Boy Meets World

How true those words are. Life is so hard. And all I can think about is how hard it is for me. "my life sucks" "poor me" etc. Well you know what life sucks for everyone. Because if it didnt, then it wouldnt be life. When I went to Europe we had a british tour director and he had a line he would always say. I never really thought much about it till recently. Whenever something would go wrong he would say "Not a drama". And you know what, Hes right. Most of everything that we make such a big deal about, isnt really a big deal at all. So when life hits you hard, take a step back, look at your situation, and most likely, its not a drama. I could go on about a bunch of other cliches, like Life's too short etc. And in reality. They are all true. Life is too short to be sad, to be lonley, to be selfish. We have one life to live, do I really want to spend most of it thinking about how life could be so much better if only......

Joy can be a powerful thing. Mainly because its not just being happy for a certain period because happy always ends. But Joy can last forever if you get it from the right spot. And thats not from friends, family, or even music. Joy can be attained from Jesus. Really my life isnt all that bad right now, sure all my friends are gone and I spend a lot of time alone. But at least I still have my Dreams, my Hopes, and my future to look forward too. I may feel lonley at times, but I know there are people who care about me, and I know that Im not someone who struggles with being social. I want to love the life im living. And just take it easy. Life, when surrounded by work is boring. Work hard Play Harder. Life with out fun, joy, and laughter is dull. So be Joyful.

Monday, September 13, 2010


"I think I'll go to Boston, I think that I'm just tired I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind... I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset" Agustana

Only insert Wilmington where it says Boston. Thats right, come January I'm moving. My cousin is already out there and well my parents are kicking me out of the house. Im scared I must admit, worried. But I know God will take care of me. Im also worried to leave my family when Im already leaving for the Navy. At least moving to NC ill be able to choose when I want to go visit home. But the place im moving to is beautiful. 10 minutes away from the beach, and on the other side is a river. I am super excited for the change. I need a sunrise, I need new people, I need to leave California. Now if only I can take all of my family with me, then it would be perfect. But at least Ill have my cousin:)) I mainly just need something new. Im sure you all know how im feeling right now. I was all ready and in the mind set of leaving in July when i got stuck here. Now im sure this is a nice place to live and I do not look down on anyone who has stayed here thier enitire life, I personally do not know how they do it. But as for me, I just need something new. I feel bad for my parents and in no way does me moving mean Im tired of them. Im just a 19 year old who wants to experiance life outside of the High Desert. So come January Im off. Im also going to pick up surfing when I get there. Because its 10 minutes from the beach. 10 minutes!!!!! im two hours right now. but its going to be 10 minute!!! im pretty excited about that.