I recently read a book called, Honor Curage Commitment, Navy Bootcamp. It was a pretty good book because it followed a division around during thier time at boot camp. Ever since reading it, I have been, not nesacarally excited, but like I really want to go now, to get out of here and expiriance something diffrent with my life. My life is starting to seem repetative. As in, I have to do the same thing over and over again for the last 4 years. Thats what highschool is, repetative. and I cant wait for it to be over, to be able to go out and preach the gospel to the navy, to do something greater with my life then sitting around in California waiting for something to happen. If you want something exciting in your life to happen you cant just sit around and wait, you have to make it happen. Exciting people dont stay in the same place for thier entire lives. They move on, they grow up, they grow with God. So Im ready. Lets Roll. 

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