Dear Strangers,
I am sorry that I am not a very good friend, daughter, or sister at times. ILove,
know I can be extremely difficult, but for some reason you all stick around. I
am so thankful for that because if you ever left me my life would fall apart.
Friend, I am sorry that I am never there for you and that I only see you when it
is right for me, and that I accept the fact that you are just busy and never
make the time to see you because, well, your busy. I promise to stop using that
excuse and to just go on over because I miss you, and I promise to be a better
friend from now on, thinking of you not myself. Sisters, you guys are amazing. I
am sorry that I am so difficult and that I have to be so hot headed all the
time. You guys have always been there for me, and I never stop to think of
y'all. Your stuck with me as a sister, but you made the choice to be my friend.
I am so lucky that you havent just kicked me to the curb and gave me what I
deserved. I promise to cool down, to take a look at your side of things and to
just remember that nothing is a drama, and that I dont need to get so mad. I
have a feeling that if I stopped thinking of myself, and started thinking of
y'all we wouldnt get in so many fights. Parents, well to sum up everything, I am
sorry that I am so selfish. Just know though, when you ask me whats wrong, and I
answer nothing, Im either telling the truth, or in the process of realizing that
what I am upset about is not a big deal at all. So really, Im ok, you do not
need to worry. I promise to start being a daughter, not a teenager. I love you
all, and I am so lucky that none of you have left me, even thought I greatly
deserve it. So thank you Lord, for putting people in my life with patience,
because they have used it.
Kelsey Nicole Verburg
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