Monday, August 9, 2010

give me your eyes.

Wow. That is all I have to say about these past two weeks. They have been interesting, joyfull, sad and thought prevoking.
About two weeks ago my friends father passed away from cancer. He was an absolute blessing and joy to anyone he came in contact with and I was extremely blessed to have him as a teacher. His light shines through his daughter, she is an amazing woman and truely her fathers daughter. My heart goes out to her and her family.

On Thursay I found out that a 15 year old kid that I knew from my highschool took his own life. 15 years old. I was not super close to him, but its still sad, and very shocking. I really do not know who say it coming. I may have not known his situation, but my heart still aches for the reasons why a 15 yearolds life would be so bad that he would take his own life. He was an outgoing kid with a lot of life ahead of him. and even though I do not know his situation, or how bad it was, all I can think of is that he stopped trusting in God. That is the absolute most important thing in life, to trust God. Dare I say, but it is more important than human relationships.
This situation caused me to think about people. We pass people on the streets every day not knowing thier story, all we know is they cut us off, they're going too fast, or they bump into us walking, and all we do, or at least I do, is just get mad at them, some flip them off, and others are just plain rude. The point is, we do not know other peoples lives, they could have something horrible going on and all they want is to see a nice face, but our world today is full of such mean and selfish people. This brings me to a song I heard on air1 the other day, and it is my prayer.

"Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black tile
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breath in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos
Are those people going somewhere?
Why have I never cared?

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the once forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see
yeah .. yeah .. yeah .. yeah

Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide whats underneath
There’s a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
To ashamed to tell his wife
He’s out of work
He’s buying time
Are those people going somewhere?
Why have I never cared? "

So Christians this is my challenge to you. I challenge you to get out there and start loving people, trusting God, and help change the world one life at a time.

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