So Ive already made a post about the kind of guy I want to date. But now im makin one about the undateable. (this is purley opinionated for me only)
1. Not a christian
2. Gets drunk ALL the time
3. The above guy^ aka a tool.
4. someone who only cares, and talks about themselves
5. a couch potatoe
6. a guy who is 2 inches or more shorter than me
7. that one guy who thinks he is the best think to walk the planet.
8. He watches twilight
9. His idea of a friday night is to go out and pick up as many girls as he can
10.If he has all the windows rolled down and pumps his music up as loud as he can so that everyone(whether you want to or not) can listen to his music along with him
11. disrespectful to others
12. Gangster
13. Skater
14. the guy who not only doesnt watch sports, but hates them period.
15. He has 20 billion friends and only about 5 of them are guys. the rest are annoying slutty girls.
16.Will only date a girl if shes a size zero and flaunts everything shes got.
17. cant do a pushup to save his life.
18. the guy who hits on every girl that walks by him.
19. someone who is scared of everything and anything
20. and last but not least. an idiot.
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