Saturday, May 1, 2010

Christianity in war.

Last night I got into a debate with a guy at a coffee shop. He was saying in so many words that it is unchristain to be in the military. I had never heard this line of thought before so I decided to go ahead and take him on. He never fully answered any of the questions that I had asked, but I just let it slide since I was not completely educated on the subject. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just keep asking questions even if you dont know what you are talking about. And if you dont know what they are talking about, ask some more questions. Now I did not win this debate or anything, but it did get me thinking. So I went home to my facebook and posted it as a status to see what people would say. Turns out a thriving discussion appeared. Here is my conclusion to this discusison.

First things first, dont argue things that you dont really care about. It makes people frustrated at you and you just sound stupid. Secondly. do not get into a discussion with Adam Rodriguz. If you are against him, you will lose. Thirdly. Do not try to get off track of the discussion, try to stay on the subject instead of talking about things that are completely irrelevent. I came to the conclusion that it is not unchristian to join the military. Look at that, the same as when I started. Yes the Bible states do not kill, but you have to study the intent. In so many words it is do not murder. All killings are not murder. Although the ends do not justify the means, do the means justify the ends? Is it sinful to join the military? I believe no. But thats the point. This entire discussion is based on what you believe or your opinion, and there is no use arguing opinions. Discusions are to find truth. And the truth is, it is NOT sinful to join the military as long as you are always serving God first.

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