Ive been pretty guy crazy latley, not saying I really want to date at the moment, Ive just been thinking a lot about what kind of guy I really want. I listen to country music SOO much that the type of guy i want has become a cowboy. Now I realize that not every man looks like the below picture. But without the hat and belt buckle, he would just look like an everyday normal tool. Lets face it, cowboys are hot. They have muscle from working all day and they are always tan. The hat just adds an extra WHAM!.

I dont want a country boy just because most of them are smokin, but most of the time what they stand for. A true country boy would never cheat you, he knows what he wants, and he most of the time has moral and values. So its for the accent, the hat, and the way he acts. and lets face it ladys. This fella^^^^ smokin. :] so this is my cowboy obssension. and I am going to marry one, We will live on a farm with horses and chickens.
I'm glad you included the horses and chickens! haha And I'm so honored to be on your blog :)